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Animation, Video Graphics, and Special Effects - Overview


Programs in animation, video graphics, and special effects teach people to edit images and sounds using computers. Students edit film, video, and other media using computer graphics software. They learn how to operate special cameras and use machines to copy sound. In addition, they study art and computer graphics.

In "Jurassic Park," rampaging dinosaurs in the kitchen provided a combination of special effects and computer animation that moviegoers found convincing and terrifying. In this film, animators and computer artists set a new standard for special effects. It was in 1995 with "Toy Story" that artists produced the first fully computer-generated animated feature. Together, these two films changed traditional methods of animation and special effects by going digital.

Animation means creating the illusion of movement. Before animation software and digital cameras, animators drew images or built models to photograph in many poses and postures. To create the impression of motion, they photographed each object or image in sequence, developed the film, and ran the images together while filming.

With computer animation, the process is quicker, easier, and more flexible. Computer artists create images and save them in computer memory. They take digital photos of models and save those images. They preview sequences, edit and adjust images, and create animated art without ever developing still photos. Being able to edit images on the computer allows animators to refine them easily and repeatedly.

Video graphics refers to images that are made using video cameras. When the camera is digital, the artist can store images in computer memory and manage them with various software programs (without developing film).

Special effects suggests introducing images or sounds into a motion picture or taped television production. The artists who worked on "Jurassic Park" developed their animated sequences by mixing computer art with digital photos of dinosaur models. They blended the images and sounds. They inserted the effects into the kitchen scene where the children (who were real actors) were filmed hiding in terror.

With a degree and training in animation, video graphics, and special effects, you can work for software companies, developing the latest computer game. Or, you can work in the entertainment business, animating digital films or catchy advertisements! You can also use your skills to develop state of the art web sites or even unique artworks all your own.

In animation, video graphics, and special effects programs, you take courses from many areas, including art, computer science, and graphics. You learn basic design and drawing principles and color theory. You learn how to use different software that allows you to animate and manipulate photos and films. For example, you learn how to simulate reflections, movement, and shadow. You also learn computer science. This way you can write original code to create original effects! In addition, you learn how people "see" and respond to computer animation and effects in order to make it more life-like.

About 120 schools offer programs in animation, video graphics, and special effects. However, most art schools, technical schools, colleges, and universities offer related programs. Depending on the school, they may offer certificate programs that take one or two years, associate degree programs that take two years, bachelor's degree programs that take four years, and graduate degree programs that take five to seven years. In many cases, you can study animation, graphics, and special effects as part of a larger computer graphics or computer science program. Two-year degrees in the field are quite common. Most two-year computer graphics degrees can be transferred to a four-year program.

Several schools offer graduate degree programs in computer graphics. Most programs have specializations in animation, special effects, video graphics, and other related areas. These programs take from two to five years after you finish your bachelor's degree. Most people who get graduate degrees in computer graphics become computer graphics specialists or professors.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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